
Mission statement and steering committee

The history of games international conference series is a global initiative that seeks to act as a catalyst for academic research on gaming history. The conference brings together scholars, curators and enthusiasts in order to disseminate research / preservation initiatives and develop networks.

Scientific guidance is provided by a committee of experts elected in a variety of regions; the organization seeks to grow by including even more regions as research develops on a global scale, and make sure that conferences alternate between different localities. The steering committee assists local organizers in the planning of their event. It acts as a gateway to a network of relevant experts in order to ensure the quality of the peer review process. It will also use this network to disseminate CFPs and information about each new event in the series.

Central and South America

Gabriela Kurtz (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre), Lynn Alves (Federal University of Bahia, Salvador)

North America

Alex de Voogt (Drew University, Madison), Henry Lowood (Stanford Libraries), Guillaume Roux-Girard (UQAT, Montréal), Carl Therrien (Université de Montréal), Mark J. P. Wolf (Concordia University, Mequon)

Nordic countries

Jesper Juul (The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen), Ida Kathrine Hammeleff  Jørgensen (IT University, Copenhagen), Kristine Jørgensen (University of Bergen)

Western Europe

James Newman (Bath SPA University, United Kingdom), Micaela Romanini (Vigamus foundation, Italy), Alex Wade (Burmingham City University, United Kingdom)

Central and Eastern Europe

Paweł Grabarczyk (IT University, Copenhagen), Jaroslav Švelch (Charles University, Prague)


Gathoni Mwai (Afroes, South Africa)

Central and Western Asia

Arseniy Deriglazov (MSU Lomosov and FAU Erlangen-Nurnberg, Moscow)

Eastern and Southeastern Asia

Olli Tapio Leino (City University, Hong Kong), Bora Na (Communication Research Center, Yonsei University, Seoul)


Helen Stuckey (RMIT University, Melbourne)


The history of games committee welcomes any new connection that could help develop the field (contact: and will be happy to use its resources to promote other conference initiatives on the topic.


Graphic design, logo and photographs: © 2020 Carl Therrien, All rights reserved.